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Record attendees as we celebrate HIDB's second anniversary

News and reflections

With record-breaking attendance, November’s HIDB meeting brought together members new and old – alongside representatives across all 11 of the county’s authorities – to discuss joined-up collaboration across private/public sectors.

A celebration of HIDB’s second anniversary, November’s session was an opportunity to thank Cllr Lewis Cocking for his dedication to HIDB over the past year, before he passed the baton of chairing the meetings to Watford’s Mayor Peter Taylor, who opened the session.

Across all speakers, there was a shared ambition to help make Hertfordshire a sustainable place to live, develop business – for all to enjoy – something which close collaboration via the HIDB can help to facilitate through the delivery of sustainable development.

The workshop sessions that followed our brilliant speakers focused discourse on Herts Growth Board’s Vision and Missions.

It is intended that these will guide and steer the focus; better integrate and join up growth-related policy, interventions and services; drive efficiency and pave the way for future investment and deals; and complement existing local and strategic plans across Hertfordshire. Much discussion was had across all tables and the ideas exchanged will be fed back to shape HGB’s campaign.

Do drop us an email if you’d like to hear more about HIDB.

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