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NPPF consultation - five key foundations for building Britain’s homes

News and reflections

The deadline for the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) consultation came to an end in September.

Once the findings have been reviewed, it will outline how The Labour Party hopes to realise ambitious plans to build 1.5 million homes in its first five-year term.

Although the sector has received a confidence boost from the proposed reforms, the fact is the UK hasn’t built 300k homes a year since 1977 and we’re heading into unchartered waters.

As Angela Rayner announced at the Party Conference in September, the reforms aim to deliver “decent homes for working people.”

However, with political storm clouds on the horizon, the industry must play its part by reassuring communities about the impact of new development.

It’s not just the government which needs to set the direction and remove the blockers to delivery, the industry will need to do the same to ensure reforms are met locally with enthusiasm and action.

Whilst we await the Government’s review of the feedback, download our infographic, which breaks down our five key foundations for building Britain’s homes.

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